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Error handling


TypeScript helper to check if the passed parameter is an instance of Error which has the code property. All errors thrown by this library have the code property, which contains a value from statusCodes or some other string for the less-usual errors.

isErrorWithCode can be used to avoid as casting when you want to access the code property on errors returned by the module.


This functionality is only available to sponsors️. It takes just a few clicks to get access ❤️.

import { isErrorWithCode, GoogleSignin } from '@react-native-google-signin/google-signin';

try {
const userInfo = await GoogleSignin.signIn();
// do something with userInfo
} catch (error) {
if (isErrorWithCode(error)) {
// here you can safely read `error.code` and TypeScript will know that it has a value
} else {
// this error does not have a `code`, and does not come from the Google Sign in module

Status Codes

import { statusCodes } from '@react-native-google-signin/google-signin';

Status codes are useful when determining which kind of error has occurred during the sign-in process. Under the hood, these constants are derived from native GoogleSignIn error codes and are platform-specific. Always compare error.code to statusCodes.* and do not rely on the raw value of error.code.

See example usage.

SIGN_IN_CANCELLEDWhen user cancels the sign in flow
IN_PROGRESSTrying to invoke another operation (e.g. signInSilently) when previous one has not yet finished. If you call e.g. signInSilently twice, 2 calls to signInSilently in the native module will be done. The promise from the first call to signInSilently will be rejected with this error, and the second will resolve / reject with the result of the native module.
SIGN_IN_REQUIREDUseful for use with signInSilently() - no user has signed in yet. This error does not happen with one-tap sign in (instead see NO_SAVED_CREDENTIAL_FOUND).
PLAY_SERVICES_NOT_AVAILABLEPlay services are not available or outdated. This happens on Android, or on the Web when you're calling the exposed APIs before the Client library is loaded.

Status codes specific to One-tap sign in

ONE_TAP_START_FAILEDThrown when the One-tap sign in UI cannot be presented. This would typically happen during the cooldown period. You can still call the original Google Sign In API in this case.
NO_SAVED_CREDENTIAL_FOUNDThrown when no user signed in to your app yet. To recover from this error, proceed to calling createAccount.

See example usage.